Title Dėstytojų informacinė elgsena /
Translation of Title Lecturers information behaviuor.
Authors Šerkšnienė, Justina
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Pages 75
Abstract [eng] Master work subject – Vilnius College of Technology and Design lecturers information behaviour. The aim – to examine the information behaviour of lecturers. To achieve this aim, set the following objectives: to analyze the information behaviour theory of the information evolution; to examine the genesis of the behavioral information concept; review the information behaviour models and their properties; to examine the information behaviour of lecturers who had analyzed the studies, to investigate the Vilnius College of Technology and Design lecturers information behaviour in relation to work activity. An analysis of scientific literature on the behavioral theory of the information evolution, conduct an examination of the information behaviour concept genesis, summarizing the information behavioral patterns and their characteristics, an analysis of lecturers information behaviuor research and the study examining the Vilnius College of Technology and Design lecturers information behaviuor in relation to occupational activity, led to the following conclusions: traditional theory of information retrieval period is characterized by the authors of information retrieval systems for mechanical components in the management of development, the first of information retrieval concepts, formed the first computer information processing program. The user-oriented information retrieval theory of time highlights the information needs emphasizes the individual inner state, which leads to the need for information. Term cognitive information retrieval theory connects consumers, intermediaries and information processing techniques in information retrieval system that helps solve the problem or address their needs. Information behavioral concept developed of the information behaviour theories evolution result. The work of literature analysis to analyze the information behaviour patterns are more developed, combines many elements influencing the behaviour of the information, however, highlights and emphasizes the different components: a user seeking information needs, user tasks, information value, context, which is surrounded by a user. Although each model is distinguished by elements of both the emphasis and structure, but they share the information behaviour of process steps in needs identification, research methods, sources and evaluation of results or satisfaction. The examination, carried out in 1998-2006 and published in scientific or teaching behavior professionals dealing with scientific research work, it was found that the study highlights several key components, forming the basis for lecturers information behaviour. Foreign scientists give momentum to form a study tailored to Lithuanian lecturers to examine their information behaviour, research in this area since the Lithuanian science fragmented space, information focused on individual behavioral components. From an empirical investigation of the Vilnius College of Technology and Design lecurers information behaviour showed that the Vilnius College of Design and Technology lecturers information behaviour is oriented to direct lecturers responsibility – innovative, comprehensive training courses for which they are looking for information constantly, using a variety of information sources. Lecturers inevitably have to face obstacles in search of information, which, based on results of this study could help resolve the College's management and information professionals.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011