Title Svėrimai ir interpretacijos /
Translation of Title Weighing and interpretation.
Authors Sarchošian, Rafael
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Pages 31
Abstract [eng] The interpretation method essence is that: if the task is difficult or impossible to solve by the given mathematical field assistance, then all of a given task and the relations between the value "translated" (interpreted) to another area of mathematics or in other branches of knowledge (science), and solving new task, then the result "translate" back into the original area. Besides the interpretation method shows the unity between various branches of science, special in mathematics. Method of interpretation is the general method of solving different problems (such as geometric, arithmetic, weighing problems) when the proposition is replaced by the similar problem which is more easy solving than original task. That’s why it is important introduce method of interpretation to the pupils, because it developed pupils ability to analyze and synthesize knowledge’s.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010