Abstract [eng] |
Delinquency of children and teenagers is one of sharpest problems in Lithuanian society. Juvenile law violators very often are teenagers of 16-17 years; most of them violated law even before punitive responsibility (14 years). Researches on addictions in Lithuanian jails recently multiplied. Meanwhile researches on juvenile convicts’ lifestyle are unimportant. This occasion determined purpose of our work. Purpose of work – evaluate opinion of juvenile convicts on their health and identify peculiarities of their lifestyle. Goals of work: 1. Identify some psychosocial peculiarities of juvenile convicts. 2. Describe subjective health state of convicted juveniles. 3. Explore proliferation of addictions (smoking, drinking, drugs using) among juvenile convicts. 4. Identify correlation of some addictions among juvenile convicts. Research modes and scope: Survey was carried out during January-May, 2007 in Kaunas penitentiary – in probation ward. All 128 convicts were interviewed during survey. Proliferation research was carried out. Anonymous questionnaire of 55 questions, prepared by postgraduate, was chosen for this research. Statistic data package SPSS 11.0 for Windows was used for data evaluation. Credibility of data differences was identified by x2 criteria. Level of statistic significance was p< 0.05. When credible observation number was less than 5, precise (Fischer’s) test was counted additionally. Non-parameteric comparison test (Mann and Whitney U test) was applied for two independent sets. Outcomes of research: The greatest part of convicts consisted of 16-17 years old teenagers (81.1 per cent.) The main causes of juvenile crimes were these: ignorance of crime subsequence (56 per cent), desire to get an easy catch (30 per cent) or having nothing to do (14 per cent). More than a half of juveniles stated experiencing physical violence, which inflamed their anger (about 40 per cent.) About 10 per cent of respondents, who used physical compulsion against other person, stated having had sexual relationship against their will. Little less respondents had sexual relations with representatives of their gender. About 72 per cent respondents had sexual relations, a third of respondents started sexual life 13-14 years old. Two thirds of juvenile convicts, having had sexual relationships, thought about suicide, and one third stated that they tried to commit suicide. The greatest part of respondents thought about suicide (66 per cent.) The main reasons why teenagers consider suicide are these: they are sick and tired (44 per cent), experienced great stress in their life (30 per cent.) About 50 per cent of respondents tried to commit suicide. About 90 per cent of all juvenile convicts used to smoke, one third of them started smoking at the age of 9-10. About 90 per cent of all juvenile convicts used alcohol, and one third of them started drinking at the age of 9-10. Half of alcohol users tried to commit suicide. Half of respondents used drugs, and most popular drug was marihuana (30 per cent.) Half of respondents – drug users tried to commit suicide, too. Half of alcohol users also used drugs. Most of smokers juvenile convicts smoked and used alcohol (90 per cent.). Outcomes: 1. The greater part of juvenile convicts were living in incomplete families and experienced physical, psychical and sexual compulsion and had thoughts about suicide. 2. Half of respondents valuated their health as satisfactory, one half as good. Health evaluation due to age differences did not differ. 3. The greater part of respondents used alcohol, drugs and had sexual relations. Respondents - alcohol users smoked and used drugs, as well. |