Abstract [eng] |
Theoretical and practical aspects of preservation of medicinal and aromatic plants Rasa ERTMANAITĖ Summary National genetic resourses of plants – are selected and in the central data bank of national genetic recousces included genetic resources of plants, that have ecological, selective and economical importance. To preserve the national genetic resources in situ, genetic reservations are being established as well as segregated areas of genetic resourses or seed-arboretum, selected populations, single trees or the groups, national parks or biosphere reservations. To preserve the genetic resources ex situ there are being established banks of genes, which include seed genes banks, feeld collections, botanical gardens, alpine gardens (Italy), arboretums and in vitro tissua cultures as well as DNA storage. For the preservation of raw materials of medicinal and aromatic plant resources and genetic diversity are used in situ and ex situ preservation methods. The methods of preservation are determined by spread of the species, ecological amplitude and natural resources. The main part of medicinal raw materials Lithuania imports from more than 30 countries. The import makes 65 % of all the raw material used in herb industry. The main suppliers of medicinal raw materials: Poland, Turkey, Egypt, Ukraine, China, Germany. Export makes very small part of herbs business and is orientated to the former Soviet countries: Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Georgia. The biggest buyers of medicinial raw-material are UAB “Švenčionių vaistažolės” and UAB “Acorus calamus”. During the period of 2000-2004, the quantities bought buy UAB “Švenčionių vaistažolės” decreased (from30,633 t to 5,691 t). UAB “Acorus calamus” during the period of 2000-2002 imported more raw-material than bought in Lithuania. Average import makes 23,4 t per year, and the quantity bought in Lithuania is 8,5 t of medicinal raw-material. In the village of Upninkai, Jonava district, there were inventorized 66 medicinial and aromatic species of plants in 20 households, 18 of which were spontaneous, 27 – cultivated adventitious and 21 cultivated. Most of them are cultivated because of their decorative properties. The harvest of 2006-2007 was tested to find out the viability of medicinial plant seeds and was found out, that without the winter period Calendula officinalis and Echinacea purpurea the changes of conditions had no impact of seed viability. Hypericum perforatum after winter period germinates in the light at best (seeds viability 81 %). The viability test of the species included in the Red book, such as Arnica montana, Gentiana cruciata and Salvia pratensis has shown that the seeds of these plants grow at best in the light (viability varies from 59 to 87 %). The greatest inpact stratification had on Nepeta cataria seeds viability in the light, the viability tripled and reached 12 %. On the viability in the darkness stratification had almost no impact. After the stratification in the light the seeds viability of medicinal Saponaria officinalis increased by 3 %, and in the darkness by 1 %, but general seeds viability in both: light and darkness remained very low (respectively 5 and 3 %). The age of seeds had the biggest impact on viability by Helichrysum arenarium. It changed in the period of 2007-2004 respectively 52-2 %. Matricaria recutita and Origanum vulgare viability of seeds varied between 89 % - 94 % and 46 % - 65 % during the period of four years. When statistically evaluated seeds viability dependance from the light and duration, winter period positively impacts Arctium tomentosum, Echinacea purpurea, Gentiana cruciata, Hypericum perforatum ir Matricaria recutita seeds viability, therefore it is the best to sow these plants in spring. The light positively impacts the viability of all plants, but the intensity varies. |