Title Verslo inkubatorių veiklos transformacija: analizė ir vertinimas /
Translation of Title Transformation of Business Incubators: Analysis and Evaluation.
Authors Žižytė, Asta
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Pages 245
Keywords [eng] small and medium-sized businesses (SMB’s) ; business incubation ; business incubator ; incubatees ; transformation
Abstract [eng] One of the small and middle business (SMB) support forms worldwide is business incubators that are extensively studied both by academics and practitioners. Advanced experience and benefits developing SMB sector of foreign countries show that business incubators are the potential promoting business, innovative in and their implementation, creating new jobs and enhancing value added. So far Lithuanian and foreign business incubator practice has not been analyzed sufficiently, as well as incubator advantages to SMB companies’ development have not been emphasized. Influence of the transformations of business incubation processes on successful business development is not estimated and transformation model is not created. Lack of incubation process awareness becomes a barrier to evaluate its development and perspectives. Studies of these problems are important and necessary. In the first part of the dissertation – “The processes of the business incubation and the peculiarities of business incubators” – the concepts of the business incubation and business incubators are being revealed, emphasizing the processes of business incubation and their components; the objectives and services of business incubators are being analyzed, the types of business incubators and their relationship are being distinguished and the model of business incubators activity’s transformation is being introduced. In the second part of the dissertation – “The analysis of business incubators’ experience in the foreign countries and in Lithuania” – the application of the advanced experience of business incubators is being analyzed. This section examines and summarizes the worldwide experience of the activity of business incubators, belonging to developed and developing countries, and the operation of Lithuanian business incubators. In the third part of the dissertation – “The evaluation of the transformation of Lithuanian business incubators’ activity” - logical and empirical statistical analyses of the research results are being performed. Moreover, the systematization of two analyses under discussion, allowing reasoning the assumptions and directions of the transformation of business incubation processes, is being exercised.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010