Abstract [eng] |
The Concept and Features Of Labour Law Subjects SUMMARY The most common part of the society consists of employees, who are the regulators of the public relationships of the Labour Law limits. The Labour Law of the Lithuanian Republic depicts three subjectives of the relationships of the Labour Law: an employce , an employer, the personnel staff. In order that any subjective could take part in any juridical relationships, the subjectivity is very important for the participant. In the Labour Law capacity and capability appcar at the same moment. It is possible that all kinds of physical and juridical personalities can be employers. Any personality employed in physical work is able to get full legal capacity and righness according to the general rule at the age of 18, though the Civil Code of the Lithuanian Republic makes some exceptions when the legal capacity may be acquired beforehand. People under 18 years of age if they are not assumed being a legal capacity, they are not concidered being employers. Juridical personalities ( people) working capacity obtain from the moment of the registration in to the juridical register or in some other different cases they have obtained the statute of juridical personality. Juridically any physical person is concidered being an employce when he‘s 16 years of age. The issue of the year of 2003 of January 29 of the government of the Lithuanian Republic Jursees lower requirement of the 14 years of age. The staff of the emplayees –that means that all the employees of a conerete employer, who are being recognized as self – independent subjectives of the self –independent relationships. |