Title Puščios pelkės ekologinės būklės įvertinimas, remiantis dieninių drugių bioįvairove /
Translation of Title Evalution of puščia bog ecological condition based on biodiversity of butterflies.
Authors Lučun, Julija
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Abstract [eng] The aim of this work was to study butterflies and moths (Macrolepidoptera) and their diversity in the Puščia peat bog and to compare it with natural Kernavas peat bog. The abundance of butterflies and day-active moths’ species was evaluated using transect method. A total of 302 Lepidoptera specimens belonging to 31 species and five families (one moth family and four butterflies’ families) were registered. Twelve species (six tyrphobiontic (Aricia eumedon, Plebeius optilete, Callophrys rubi, Boloria euphrosyne, Jodis putata, and Ematurga atomaria) and six tyrphophilous (Plebeius idas, Lycaena dispar, Argynome laodice, Boloria dia, Brenthis ino, and Boloria selene) were obligatory associated with peat bogs. Other species showed no preference to bogs. Three different habitats of Puščia peat bog were studied: renewable peat bog’s site, renewable peat bog and natural peat bog outskirt. Variety and abundance of different lepidopterans species were recorded in the studied habitats. The sparse abundance and variety of butterflies species was noted in the renewable peat bog habitat due to sparse vegetation, upset hydrological regime and exploitation of peat. The diversity of butterflies in Puščia peat bog seems to be typical to the raised bog ecosystem, though relict species (e.g. Oeneis jutta, Proclossiana eunomia and Colias palaeno) were not found there. The absence of these species shows degradation of the Puščia peat bog. The Puščia bog is a valuable site for some rare butterrfly species, e.g. Papilio machaon, Aricia eumedon and Lycaena dispar. These butterfly species are protected in Lihuania and the whole European Union. So the Puščia peat bog needs comprehensive protection and further reconstruction.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010