Title Drugių (Macrolepidoptera) tyrimai Kauno rajono Lapių apylinkėse /
Translation of Title Investigations of butterflies (macrolepidoptera) in lapės environs of kaunas district.
Authors Ūsaitis, Tomas
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Pages 5
Abstract [eng] Investigations of Macrolepidoptera were carried out in 5 localities of Kaunas district, Lapės environs: Šatijai, Smiltynai, Varluva forest, Šančiai forest and Staviščiai forest in 1997 – 2006. Butterflies and moths were collected and studied with the aid of conventional methods and available publications. There were determined 615 species belonging to 23 lepidopteron families (540 species of moths and 75 species of butterflies). Family Noctuidae was the most numerous. There were found 230 species belonging to that family. Totally 199 species of Geometridae, 34 of Nymphalidae, 24 of Notodontidae and 21 species of Arctiidae were found during investigations. 51 % of collected species are typical for forest habitats and many of them are typical for Southeastern Lithuania. Totally there were 33 733 individuals collected and studied during whole ivestigation period (27 402 moths and 6331 butterflies). Family Noctuidae was also the most abundant in number of collected specimens (16 092). 7008 specimens belonging to Geometridae, 2913 to Nymphalidae and 1744 to Pieridae were collected and studied during fromLapes environs. The most abundant species were: Pieris napi L., Aphantopus hyperantus L., Diachrysia tutti Kostr., Discestra trifolii Hfn., Xestia c-nigrum L., Agrotis exlamationis L. 196 detected species are rare or very rare. 11 species of butterflies are included in Red Data Book of Lithuania: Carterocephalus palaemon Pall., Papilio machaon L., Lycaena dispar Hw., Maculinea teleius Bergstr., Aricia eumedon Esp., Euphydryas maturna L., Lopinga achine Sc., Baptria tibiale Esp., Eupithecia thalictrata Püngeler, Ipimorpha contusa Frr., Dicycla oo L. and 4 species are included in Habitat Directives: Lycaena dispar Hw., Maculinea teleius Bergstr., Euphydryas maturna L., Lopinga achine Sc. 126 detected species are listed as garden pests and the most abundant species of them are: Malacosoma neustria L., Pieris rapae L., P. napi L., Lacanobia oleracea L., Melanchra persicariae L., A. exlamationis L. There were 54 species of Lepidoptera found in Varluva forest, 53 in Šančiai forest, 50 in Staviščiai forest, 32 species in garden community of „Šatijai“. 21 species were common in all investigated areas. In most of places butterflies belonging to family Nymphalidae were observed more often than butterflies from other families, only in Šatijai insects belonging to family Pieridae were more common. Papilionidae butterflies were observed only few times. According to index of Shannon-Wiener the highest richness of biodiversity in 2005 was detected in Šančiai forest (3,05), lowest richness in Varluva forest (2,47). Highest richness of biodiversity in 2006 was detected in Varluva forest (3,23), lowest richness in Šatijai (2,45). Species composition of butterflies in Varluva and Staviščiai forests were similar (there were observed 43 common species). Lowest similarity of species composition of butterflies was detected between Staviščiai forest and Šatijai – only 24 common species.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010