Abstract [eng] |
“The Support of the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Lithuania for Publishing Activities in 2005-2006” (summary) A partial support for book publishing is provided via the special programme of the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Lithuania since the year 1997. This programme is the object of the Thesis. The goal of the Thesis is an analysis of the situation of the support for publishing activities from the said institution in 2005-2006. In course of striving for the goal, the following tasks were solved: 1. to analyze applications submitted by publishers in the years 2005 and 2006; 2. to analyze the changes of the support provided by the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Lithuania in the years 2005 and 2006 and the factors that affected them; 3. to carry out the investigation “Implementation of publishing-related projects partially financed by the state”. In course of the investigation, the lists of books published by the publishers provided with the largest support of the state in 2005-2006 (in the year 2005 – “The Publishing-house of the Union of Lithuanian Writers”, “Baltos lankos” and UAB “Aidai-echoes”; in the year 2006 - “The Publishing-house of the Union of Lithuanian Writers”, UAB “Versues Aureus” and UAB “Kronta”) were reviewed looking for publications supported by the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Lithuania. In this way, it was tried to clear up whether all publications partially supported by the state were really published, what penalties were imposed in case of a failure to perform the provisions of the signed contracts and to identify the priorities of publishers provided with a support from the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Lithuania against those remained without any support of provided an inconsiderable support. In course of analysis the destiny of the support provided by the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Lithuania, the following methods of investigation were applied: statistical analysis and synthesis of documents, comparative data analysis, and interviewing. On the base of the results of the investigation, the conclusions were provided. In the year 2005 and 2006, 28 percent books, financed by Ministry of Culture of Republic of Lithuania, were not published. According to the representative of the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Lithuania responsible for the Publishing programme, the financial accounting for all those publications was provided, so theoretically everything is all right; however, some publications were not published at all and some other publications were published with a delay exceeding one year as compared to the terms specified in the contract. For example, the book “Murmanti siena” /”The Murmuring Wall”) by S.Parulskis was published in 2008, although a support for it was provided in 2005. It is difficult to identify what predetermines granting of a support. In the opinion of a part of publishers, it depends on the merits and notoriety of the author; some publishers refuse interviewing because they are sure in the non-transparency of the system; another part believes that the state takes into account an originality of the applications. This year, over two hundred applications for financing book publishing projects were submitted to the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Lithuania the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Lithuania. The number of applications evidently falls down: in the year 2008, the number of applications submitted to the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Lithuania was 52 percent less, as compared to the year 2006. A majority of applicants feel chagrined with the system of the Publishing programme and propose to change it by identifying more clear criteria for applications, priorities of book supporting and the procedure for accounting the obtained finance. |