Title Draudimo produktų marketingo IS /
Translation of Title Insurance products marketing is.
Authors Šilinskaitė, Kristina
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Pages 94
Abstract [eng] In the MBA graduation Paper the functions of marketing information technologies applied in the insurance broker market. The aim of the Paper is to answer to the question, what kind IS could help to insurance broker to do comparative analysis of different insurance companies’ products and to form the optimal insurance product. There were made researches in three levels: insurance companies and brokers informational systems, products’ IS and client information storing system. The activities of insurance broker are analyzed, as based on the premise, that the final optimal offer for the client is best formulated by the insurance specialist. In the third part of MBA Graduation Paper I suggest united broker IS. The main advantage of the suggested system is its ability: 1. To store not only basic clients’ data, but also additional information, this could help to take various marketing actions (up-sell, cross-sell and other) and to increase insurance value. 2. To make calculations, which take into consideration the insurance conditions, risk, approved basic tariffs and clients’ requirements, 3. Also to generate offer to the client for best-fit insurance product. The MBA graduation Paper contains three main parts, which take up 55 pages. There were used MS Excel and STATISTICA packages to process research data. To make diagrams and pictures there was used MS Visio package in the last part of the graduation Paper. Also there are 24 pictures, 7 tables and 5 appendixes.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010