Abstract [eng] |
PUBLIC RELATIONS (PR) ELITE IN LITHUANIA by Alina Semionovaitė SUMMARY Because public relations (PR) services become more and more popular, and simultaneously a competition between representatives engaged in providing PR services is growing, it is urgently to get to know what PR specialists represent their profession in mass media most frequently and how they are showed, what properties are attributed to them. In the presented Master’s Thesis, it is strived to review and analyze the professional PR elite existing in Lithuania. The object of the Paper: Public relations (PR) elite in Lithuania. The goal of the Paper: to analyze the peculiarities of the professional PR elite and to disclose Lithuanian professional PR elite. For implementation of the goal, the following tasks were set: 1. To provide conceptions of the elite. 2. To present theories of elite classification. 3. To single out the properties typical for elite. 4. To discuss upon the types of elite. 5. To present the concept of elite through the peculiarities of business and professional elite. 6. To disclose the role of mass media in presenting the representatives of elite to the community. 7. To carry out a surveying investigation and to present the attitude of PR representatives towards the elites of these activities. 8. To analyse Lithuanian PR elite on the base of analysis of mass media. The scientific methods were used in the present work: description of scientific references and other sources; synthesis and analysis; quantitative interviewing under a questionnaire and the qualitative analysis of the contents of mass media. The hypothesis formulated before the investigation that representatives of public relations elite are usually shown in mass media as experts and leaders of their sphere was confirmed. In addition, it became clear that a positive image of representatives of PR elite is formed. Representatives of public relations elite shown in mass media impact the public opinion by expressing their opinions on various subjects. The interest to their opinion as the one of experts attests their high reputation and recognition in PR sphere. After completion of the qualitative analysis of the contents, it was concluded that mass media provides the role of PR professional leaders – experts to PR specialists. In their articles, they express their opinion, provide competent data. The following properties are attributed to them: great insight, analytical thinking, organizing skills, wide area of thoughts, leadership, eloquence, communicative. Most frequently, the professional elite is presented in mass media by heads of agencies, some more rarely – independent PR consultants. |