Title Salmoneliozės epidemiologiniai dėsningumai Vilniaus mieste ir Vilniaus apskrityje 1998-2007 metais /
Translation of Title Epidemiology of salmonellosis in vilnius and in vilnius county 1998-2007.
Authors Kavaliauskaitė, Dovilė
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Pages 99
Abstract [eng] The aim of the study was to describe epidemiology of salmonellosis in Vilnius and in Vilnius County in 1998–2007, also to assess salmonellosis risk factors in Vilnius. Methods. Descriptive epidemiological research was used to explore epidemiology of salmonellosis. Long-term dynamics of the incidence, incidence in different age groups, incidence according to the continent, gender, seasonality, etiological structure, predominant serotypes, manners of agent circulation, place of getting infection were assessed. Risk factors were evaluated using matched case –control study. Microsoft Excel 2007, Winpepi modules Describe (v. 2.08) and Compare (v. 2.11), EpiInfo 2008 (v. 3.5.1) statistical packages and programmes were used for data processing and analysis. The following indices were calculated and tests used: regression coefficients, 95% confidence intervals (CI), odds ratio (OR), Pearson's chi-square, Fisher's exact, Mantel – Haenszel, Edward’s, Ratchet’s and Hewett’s. Data considered significant, when p<0,05. Results. Incidence of salmonellosis over the period of analysis was higher in Vilnius city and County if compared to the country’s rates. Significantly increasing trend of incidence was detected in Vilnius rural district. Incidence varied a lot in different age groups, and in different years of analysis. Among children, salmonellosis was more often detected in 1-3 years age group. Higher rates of disease were found among those children, who were not attending preschools. Statistically significant long-term increasing trend of incidence was found in 1-3 years age group in 1998–2007. Increasing trend in 4-6 years age group was found only among kindergarten attendees. Highest rates of disease were detected in period of May – September. The highest incidence rate was recorded in August, lowest – in December. Major salmonellosis risk factors were found to be chicken and eggs. Households were reported to be the main place of acquiring salmonellosis. There were no differences between risk factors in Vilnius city and County. S. Enteritidis was the main infectious agent in Vilnius city and County. Significantly more outbreaks were registered in Vilnius city and County after the definition of salmonellosis was changed in 2004. Improper food preparation technologies, cross-contamination, wrong storing, undercooked foods, and bad personal hygiene were detected being leading causes of outbreaks. Prepared foods stored nearby the raw meat was the main risk factor among adults, and chicken meals – among children. Conclusion. Two different periods were detected in 1998–2007: period of relative low and stable incidence in 1998–2003 and significantly increasing trend in 2003–2007.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011