Abstract [eng] |
The main purpose of Master degree work which theme is “The Implementation of the Provisions of the European Social Charter (as Amended) and the European Code of Social Security“, to reveal the position of European Social Charter (as Amended) and European Code of Social Security in the legal system of Lithuania, influence to implementation of social rights and possibility of practical applying. European Social Charter (as Amended) has involved many economical, social and cultural rights. The indicator of suitable social security is regulates in the Article 12 (2) of the Charter (as Amended). This indicator should be European Code of Social Security which determines minimal social standards. The aim of this Code is to vouch a minimal security on various social risks and maintain and promote social security on the right level. European Social Charter (as Amended) is an international agreement. Apart the main parts of an international agreement, The Charter contains of mechanism of commitments control too. The main control’s form is a presentation of countries notifications, a severable form – a presentation of participative complaints. The main institution of the implementation of European Social Charters’ (as Amended) provisions is The Committee of European Social rights, which function is to judge on whether contracting parties law instruments and practice correspond with obligations under the Charter. It is point out that Lithuania refused to recognise the right to prefer the participative complaints. Meanwhile The Code regulates minimal social security standards which should be vouchsafing by the country has ratified The Code. However it is point out that The Codes’ provisions did not going to unify social security systems of countries. It is mean that The Codes’ provisions have involved only standards which should be obtained by countries, but not involved in methods using by countries to reach such a social security standard. Like The Charter, The Code contains of mechanism of commitments control too. This control includes the presentation of countries notifications about provisions implementation under The Code during the regular periods. It is mean that countries should prepare annual reports about provisions implementations under The Code. |