Title Asmeninių socialinių paslaugų sistemos raida pokomunistinėje Lietuvoje /
Translation of Title The development of personal social services in post-communist Lithuania.
Authors Dunajevas, Eugenijus
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Pages 262
Keywords [eng] Personal social services ; neoinstitutionalism ; post-communism
Abstract [eng] he objective of the dissertation is to identify the main features of Western personal social services in institutional and organizational structure of post-communist Lithuania. The first part of the dissertation is devoted to get analytical frame of personal social services. Part two presents the research strategy used to analyze the institutional and organizations structure of personal social services in post-communist Lithuania: object of research, data sources and data gathering techniques, data analysis process and techniques. The analysis of institutional and organizational structure of personal social services in post-communist Lithuania is conducted in the third part of dissertation. Findings: the institutional and organizational structure of personal social services in post-communist Lithuania corresponds to Western structures, but the development was influenced by the legacy of communist period.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011