Abstract [eng] |
The object of Master‘s thesis is electronic business. The purpose of work is to study electronic business, its tendencies and perspectives in Lithuania. The main work purposes are: to discuss the origin of electronic business, to declare main ideas; to review the development of electronic business in Lithuania; to perform the questionnaire on purpose to define IT specialists‘ opinion and point of view to further e-business development in Lithuania; to declare SWOT analysis on purpose to identify strengths and weaknesses, threats and possibilities of electronic business in Lithuania; to come to the conclusions of electronic business’s tendencies and perspectives in Lithuania. Using various literature and the latest information published in Internet and after analyzing results of questionnaires, the conclusions were made: electronic business influences both business and society; the e-business development has been under positive influence primarily of the modern communication infrastructure development, where privatization and modernization of AB „Lietuvos telekomas“ took important part; and investments made let noticeably increase communication services power, variety and quality; today a lot of various e-business solutions, such as Internet banking systems, have been introduced and successfully function; the Internet in Lithuania has reached the level when practically everyone understands, the necessity of advertising company or product; Lithuanian business structures‘ mentality should have to change considerably; it is necessary to canalize the EU telecommunications law acts, structural and country policy means so, that all the Europeans, especially those in less developed EU regions, would be able to use high speed Internet access; In Lithuania 40 percent of residents use the Internet, and in these latter years the number of users has been increasing at 18 percent. Globally these moderate numbers (40%) tell the market is still free and there are great possibilities for e-business to penetrate. The conclusions of experts, that Lithuanian e-commerce after two years can get recent Germany’s e-commerce level are very doubtful. The living standards, services, and other areas just lately where tail for about 10 years and now we cut it for a five times. In my point of view it is only a vision. |