Abstract [eng] |
This study analysed the satisfaction of pupils’ special educational needs at school. Following hypotheses were raised: - Pupils with special educational needs live in families, which have fewer possibilities to help their children to study. Parents and pupils with special educational needs poorly take part in problem solving in educational process; - Pupils with special educational needs experience psychological discomfort and partial isolation at school; - Teachers lack theoretical knowledge about special education, abilities and skills to individualise educational process and content to pupils with special educational needs. The research was conducted using survey and structural interview. The goal of research was to analyse how there are satisfied special educational needs of pupils studying in schools. There was conducted qualitative and quantitative analysis of data. 111 teachers, 53 class teachers, 50 pupils with special educational need and 66 parents were involved in this study. Psychological characteristics of pupils with special educational needs were examined in empirical part of research. There was analysed quality of education and support. There was analysed the individualisation of educational process and content. The improving teachers’ competence in working with pupils with special educational needs and teachers’ stimulating were evaluated in this study. The main conclusions of empirical research: 1. Psychosocial characteristic of pupils with special educational needs: almost half of pupils with special educational needs live in social “risk” families (incomplete families, large families, unemployed families, families getting allowance, etc.); Half of pupils with special educational needs don’t take part in extracurricular activities. They used to spend tier leisure time passively, mostly watching TV; The most part of pupils with special educational needs are inclined to evaluate their relations with teachers positively; Almost the fifth part of pupils with special educational needs experience separation and isolation; experience physical and/or emotional abuse although teachers are not inclined to notice it. 2. According pupils with special educational needs and their parents, more than half of pupils with special educational needs don’t receive appropriate support from specialists at school. 3. The situation of cooperation (or communication) between parents and teachers is contradictory. Parents and teacher are inclined to evaluate it unlikely. Teachers present more positive data about this communication (teachers’ visits at pupils home, the parents’ participation in meetings of Special Education Committee, individual communication between parents and specialists, etc.); however the results of parents’ survey don’t confirm it. 4. Analysing communication between parents and their children there was find out that parents communicate with their children poorly: 2/3 parents don’t allot time for their children (although 2/3 of mothers are unemployed); the common activities of children and their parents mostly are watching TV and household works. 5. The survey data about parents’ help to their children at home is very contradictory. Parents evaluate their help to children at home very positively; meanwhile teachers assert that only 1/3 of parents give appropriate help to their children at home. 6. Teachers, who work with pupils with special educational needs, individualise educational process and content. However the individualisation is more positively evaluated by teachers than by pupils with special educational needs. 7. Teachers evaluate the efficiency of their help to children with special educational needs as sufficient. The main difficulties in working with pupils with special educational needs are lack of time, lack of knowledge how to adapt educational content to pupil; lack of textbooks, educational means, special literature and etc. 8. The data about improving teachers’ competence and their stimulation are contradictory. However teachers are mainly inclined to assist that administration doesn’t pay enough attention to improving teachers’ special pedagogical competence and their stimulation for work with pupils with special educational needs. Key words: pupils with special educational needs, the quality of education, the satisfaction of special needs, the individualisation of educational content and process, professional competence. |