Title Elektroniniai sandoriai: sudarymo teisiniai aspektai verslas verslui aplinkoje pagal Europos Sąjungos ir Lietuvos Respublikos teisę /
Translation of Title Electronic transactions: legal aspects of concluding contracts in a business-to-business environment under the laws of european union and the republic of lithuania.
Authors Kondrackis, Vaidas
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Pages 64
Abstract [eng] In the course of time it comes into being newer and more unexceptionable technologies which bring newer theoretical and practical problems of concluding electronic transactions. Internet has started from several EDI transactions and became extremely popular thus it gave the birth of electronic commerce. Electronic commerce could be divided according to peculiarities of parties into several types. The work deals with only transactions in business-to-business environment. On purpose to exhibit the peculiarities of electronic transaction regulation, it is analysed offer and acceptance rules applicable to traditional transactions and variety of conceptions in different countries. According to the mentioned rules, there is an analysis of specific provisions regulated under Directive of Electronic commerce and the Information society services Law of Republic of Lithuania, which are exclusively, invoked in electronic commerce – for information society services. Electronic transactions are peculiar because they are concluded and fixed in an electronic form. Therefore, the validity and possibility of being an evidentiary material are analysed. The basic element which is required to make a transaction – the free will of parties. Validity and other related problematic questions of electronic signature are analysed in the work. Each of permissive means to make an electronic transaction is providing different possibilities to transact, therefore the influence of offer and acceptance and other related problematic questions through EDI, www contracts, electronic signature, electronic mail are analysed in this work. The work is finalized with a more detailed analysis of anonymity problem, which is appropriate to all electronics transactions.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011