Title Keleivių pervežimo paslaugų analizė logistiniu požiūriu /
Translation of Title The analysis of the services of passengers transportation on the bases of logistics.
Authors Kielienė, Mingaudė
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Pages 61
Abstract [eng] The aim of this thesis is to make the analyses of the seperate perts of the logistics system enterprises and applying it in providing the services of passengers transportation and to clear up the most important factors for the clients choice. The object of this thesis is the enterprises providing services for the international passengers transportation. The application of the logistics system in prividing services for the international passengers transportation and the most actual parts of this system is analysed. The services may be interpreted the same as the goods and all methods suitable for goods transportation logistics can be applied. The most often used mean of transportation are buses and plains, from which the services provided by cheap flight companies should be excluded. The most actual spheres for service providers are the passengers services, transportatios and management of the information. In the process of this thesis the theoretical parts of logistics system, which can be applied providing the passengers transportation services was elucidated suitability of the means of transportation providing services for goods and passengers transportation were compared, the parts of the logistic system applied in JSC „Kautra“, operating activities especially in the line Ryga – London and compared with services provided by the competitors. During the interrogation it became clear that the choice of the clients is mainly limitted by the quality of the service and the lack of information, so existing information system should be improved. While creating this system it is necessary to involve the passibility for the consumer to choose for himself the suitable service in order to dismis the mistakes of the services.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009