Abstract [eng] |
The relevance of the legitimate application of foreign law is determined by the fact that the matters of the international private law are comparatively new in the doctrine and practice of the Lithuanian law, the court practice in this field is not numerous and settled, and the judges face the lack of practice and theoretical knowledge. In this work the object of the analysis is the theoretical and practical aspects of the application of foreign law in courts. The definitions of foreign law and the application of foreign law are presented, and the legal grounds of the application of foreign law, the aspects of the determination of the content of foreign law, and the limitations of the application of foreign law are analysed in this work. The analysis is based on the rulings, passed by the Civil Division of the Supreme Court of Lithuania, as a court of cassation, reviewing the decisions and rulings of the courts of the first and appeal instances, which are in one or another way related to the application of the foreign law, highlighting the frequently appearing problematic aspects, as the results of the analysis show that the Lithuanian courts do not always correctly explain and apply the legal norms, which regulate the application of foreign law. The analysis is not limited to the aspects of the application of foreign law, found in the court practice. Reaching for consistency and making the assumption that the court practice in this field shall definitely become more numerous, there are also discussed the theoretic issues which the courts may face in the nearest future or without the clarifying of which the analysis of the determined problems shall not be sufficient or comprehensive enough. |