Title Karinio aljanso patvarumo tyrimas: Rusijos ir Baltarusijos atvejis /
Translation of Title Research into the durability of military alliance: the case of Russia and Belarus.
Authors Jasutis, Gražvydas
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Pages 163
Keywords [eng] military alliance ; military integration ; durability
Abstract [eng] Dissertation seeks to analyze the formation and durability of military alliance between Russia and Belarus by employing internal and external factors. One part of the research includes alliance theories, military integration and theoretical research of durability. Dissertation employs a number of causal factors deriving from alliance theories and points out those that influence the durability. A great importance is attached to the military integration which specifies the stages of alliance formation and indicates the criterions of durability. In the second part of the research the military alliance between Russia and Belarus is analyzed, placing an heavy emphasis on its structure, capabilities and potentiality. In other words, in using military integration models it is analyzed what, how and with what means the current alliance has achieved. The third part is devoted to the influence of the factors on the alliance durability and its development. Traditional social methods are used in the research in order to explain the factors and link up the research with outcomes. The research concludes that the military integration of alliances is an incremental process and its model demonstrates inter-state military cooperation and preferences. Having analyzed Russian-Belarusian case in accordance to the military integration model, it was concluded that this union has reached the highest military integration stage. The disintegration is unlikely because the military forces of Russia and Belarus have reached the highest interoperability level and the formed structure partly supports its durability.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011