Title Santrauka /
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Authors Bakšajeva, Tatjana
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Pages 72
Keywords [eng] Distribution ; symmetric group ; cycle ; Ewens probability measure ; factorial moment
Abstract [eng] In the thesis the examining problems of random permutations are attributed to the probabilistic combinatorics. Obtained results describe asymptotical distributions of completely additive functions values defined on a symmetric group with respect to Ewens probability measure, if the group order unbounded increases. Power and factorial moments formulae of additive functions are derived. There are established necessary and sufficient conditions under which the distributions of a number of cycles with restricted lengths obey the limit probability laws. The convergence to the Poisson, quasi-Poisson, Bernoulli, binomial and other distributions, defined on the positive whole - number set are exhaustively investigated. The results are generalized on the class of whole - number completely additive functions. The general weak law of large numbers is proved in the thesis, necessary and sufficient existence conditions, under which the distributions of the sequences of additive functions converge to the degenerate at the point zero limit law are established. Examining problems are related to the probability tasks of the vectors, which have whole - numbered nonnegative coordinates. The mean values of multiplicative functions defined on those vectors’ additive semigroup with respect to the Ewens measure, called Ewens Sampling Formula, and investigated. Lower and upper sharp estimates are obtained. From the latter results follow important probabilities’ properties of random permutations without some cycles. In the dissertation the methods of factorial moments and other combinatorial and probabilistic methods are developed.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2013