Title Žmogus tarp ligos ir tikrovės Fiodoro Dostojevskio romane „Nusikaltimas ir bausmė“ /
Translation of Title A Human Being between the Illness and the Reality in the Novel of Fyodor Dostoevsky „Crime and Punishment“.
Authors Vetiugova, Lilija
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Pages 45
Keywords [eng] Dostoevsky ; illness ; reality ; psychoanalysis ; society
Abstract [eng] Collision of subjective (psychical) and objective (social) reality arises a problem of human mental identity. Factors of objective reality that create discontent or hostility may lead to disorders of human spiritual and physical health. The problem of human mental identity arises, when the line between objective and psychical reality created in psyche disappears in a person's mind. The objective reality that does not satisfy the subject's expectations and does not meet the model of reality created in his consciousness may lead to mental or behavioural disorders. Therefore, the mental health of the person deviates from the norm and causes a morbid and often subjective attitude not only towards the environment but also towards oneself. The social (objective) environment is a time-honoured category accompanying an individual, under normal circumstances, keeping abreast with the person from his birth to death. Therefore, the social environment stands in a significant position for the formation of the individual's psyche and own identity and for finding a place in the society. For this reason, the theme of the collision between the social environment and a human being is relevant and raising a series of discussions even now. The relevance of the research shows through the marginal state „between illness and reality“, which is formed, when a person confronts with social reality.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2013