Title Lietuvos savaiminių vaistinių induočių augalų rūšių biomedicininių ir ekologinių duomenų integrali sisteminė analizė /
Translation of Title Integral systemic analysis of biomedical and ecological data on native Lithuanian vascular medicinal plant species.
Authors Naumavičius, Vitalijus
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Pages 195
Keywords [eng] medicinal ; plants ; species
Abstract [eng] The dissertation analyses Native Lithuanian vascular medicinal plant (NLVMP) species as an integral object of scientific research. 458 NLVMP species were inventoried in accordance with the specifically created systemic analysis methodology „Evaluation of medicinal plant”. The work presents organized data on bioecological, medicinal, taxonomic, morphological, chorological, syntaxonomic and ecological value indicators of the 458 NLVMP species specifically converted by identificational codes. The analysed NLVMP species were evaluated according to the degree of medical research. The analysis revealed as few as 259 members of NLVMP species with experimentally approved medicinal properties. Approximately 112 NLVMP species were found to be used in ethnomedicine, whereas medicinal properties of approximately 87 NLVMP species were solely allusive. In order to perform an integrated data analysis, an original system – „Medicinal plant evaluation model” – created by the author of the dissertation for medicinal plant analysis was used, which might serve greatly in further scientific research and studies. The created biological and medical data catalog of NLVMP species enables more efficient assimilation of native Lithuanian medicinal plant resources and more focused arrangement of medicinal plant collections in botanical gardens. The analysis of cataloged data contributes towards a more efficient integration of native and foreign phytotherapeutic experiences from ethnomedicine and experimental medicine.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2013