Title Procesinės prievartos ir teisės į privatų gyvenimą santykis baudžiamajame procese /
Translation of Title Relationship between procedural coercion and the right to private life in criminal procedure.
Authors Motuzaitė, Agnetė
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Pages 58
Abstract [eng] This master's thesis examines the concept of private life and the content of this extraordinary category. It discusses different definitions found in various legal sources and describes how the right to privacy is protected in national and international laws. The thesis analyzes the relationship between the individual's right to private life and procedural coercion implemented during criminal proccedings. The text highlights the similarities and differences in how privacy is regulated within the context of private life. It outlines the conditions for restricting an individual's right to privacy, while avoiding infringement. Furthermore, it presents the concept and categorization of procedural coercion, that limits individual's right to privacy. Drawing from the Criminal Intelligence Law and the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Lithuania, it distinguishes between coercive actions that are public and those that are non-public. During the application of procedural coercion, it is vital to adhere to the requirements and standards enshrined in the national and international legislation. It is imperative to undertake these actions to prevent the excessive restriction of human rights, thereby safeguarding an individual’s private life.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024