Title Derinamo bangos ilgio lazerio, skirto skaidulinėms optinėms sistemoms, konstravimas ir tyrimas /
Translation of Title Development and analysis of a tunable wavelength laser for fiber optic systems.
Authors Masevič, Ryšard
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Pages 38
Abstract [eng] The aim of the work is to construct a tunable semiconductor laser using off the shelf parts and analyse its primary characteristics. Laser was constructed in a Littrow configuration, where active medium is a thermoelectrically cooled half-butterfly assembly semiconductor gain chip which operates in 1530-1570nm rage. For one of the external cavity reflectors an echelle diffraction grating was chosen for its high angular dispersion and for wavelength tuning a MEMS mirror was installed inside resonator. Power vs current measurements and power dependence vs MEMS supply voltage were made. Spectral characteristics were also taken to analyse laser wavelength tunability and spectral linewidth as well as stability. From power vs current measurement a common laser diode dependence was observed. Analysis of power dependence on voltage showed non-monotonic power intensity dependence on MEMS supply voltage, which indicates mode hopping. Tunability measurement showed the possibility to change emitted light wavelength in the entire C-band. Stability and spectral linewidth are similar to a commercial laser at half magnitude, however spectral linewidth should be improved at -10 dB and -20 dB levels.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024