Title Rusijos karo prieš Ukrainą patyrimas Šalčininkų rajone: etniškumas ir tarptautinė dinamika /
Translation of Title Perceptions of russia’s war on ukraine in šalčininkai district: ethnicity and international dynamics.
Authors Makarevičiūtė, Aleksandra Monika
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Pages 52
Abstract [eng] Šalčininkai district, characterized by its unique ethnic makeup with over 75% of residents identifying as Poles, is often labeled as pro-Russian in public narratives. This presents a paradox, apparent in today’s geopolitical context, where Lithuania and Poland oppose Russia’s war on Ukraine. This thesis aims to answer the question of how the residents of the district experience the war in Ukraine? Perception of Šalčininkai district often evokes mistrust in Lithuanian society, which is exacerbated in light of increasing threat posed by Russia. Previous political studies on the district have been limited, which allows politicians and the media to manipulate the public perception further strengthening the stereotypes. This paper aims to reveal a multi-layered picture of the district, allowing a more realistic understanding of the current situation, while not underestimating possible threats. The research employs a qualitative case study approach, involving semi-structured, in-depth interviews. Key tasks: - Literature review; - Brubaker’s triadic nexus model analysis; - Designing a questionnaire; - Conducting interviews; - Identifying trends related to the war experience among locals, based on data coding and analysis. Findings reveal varied responses to the war among the residents, challenging stereotypes of a homogenous group and its uniform pro-Russianness. The study revealed political divisions within the region, which is indicated by the desire of the locals to avoid the topic of the war in Ukraine in order to avoid conflicts. The data collected during the research is diverse, multi-layered and even contradictory. The interviews demonstrate that the region’s pro-Russian sentiments cannot be refuted, since some of the participants willingly identify with Russian culture and repeat the narratives of Russian propaganda. On the other hand, there are also respondents who demonstrate an active pro-Ukrainian position and see Russia as an aggressor. The study also finds that residents' perceptions are strongly influenced by the decision to stay in the district or to relocate. Those who moved tend to view Russia's actions as a clear threat, reflecting a fear of its imperialism. In contrast, those still living in the district often see Lithuania’s foreign policy as provocative, fearing that it could escalate tensions. At the same time, other factors, such as age, education or professional background did not influence overall research results. This indicates that deeper and longer ethnographic/social research may be beneficial, as it would potentially uncover what makes the district environment an influential factor. The triadic nexus model revealed that the connection between the residents of Šalčininkai district and Poland is usually weak or non-existent. Considering that some of the interviewees demonstrate strong ties with Russia, it can be assumed that in such cases, Russia succeeds in taking the role of the "external homeland", influencing their attitudes and war experiences. However, the strongest connection is found between the residents of the district and the "nationalizing state" - Lithuania. Despite the feeling of alienation, abandonment and mistrust, Lithuania still takes the most important place in the stories of locals. In this paper, Šalčininkai district is revealed as multi-layered and diverse. The study shows that stereotypes emerging in the public sphere oversimplify reality and ignore the differences in the experiences of the district residents. At the same time, potential threats associated with political positions of the locals are not dismissed, which advocates for further research and better understanding of the area. Future research recommendations: - Šalčininkai district environment as an impactful factor for political positions of the locals. - Polish decision-makers’ perceptions of the district and their motives to support the region financially. - Russia’s influence on the locals.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024