Title Jaunų suaugusiųjų veido emocijų atpažinimas kaip nepalankių vaikystės patirčių ir asocialaus elgesio ryšį medijuojantis veiksnys /
Translation of Title The mediating effect of facial emotion recognition on the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and antisocial behavior in a sample of young adults.
Authors Sungailaitė, Ugnė
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Pages 41
Abstract [eng] The aim of this study was to explain the link between adverse childhood experiences and antisocial behavior in young adulthood by disclosing the role of facial emotion recognition in this relationship. 205 young adults aged 18-30 participated in the study, 166 of them were women and 39 – men. Most of the participants were Lithuanian university students and university graduates that were not married and had no children. Adverse childhood experiences were measured by VPK, antisocial behavior was evaluated by STAB and KDEF stimulus set was used to measure facial emotion recognition. The results suggest statistically significant differences comparing adverse childhood experiences, antisocial behavior and facial emotion recognition between males and females. In this study, adverse childhood experiences showed a statistically significant positive relationship with antisocial behavior and all its types, negative correlations were found with the ability to recognize different emotions. Significant negative links were also detected between the recognition of certain emotions and antisocial behavior. The results of the mediation analysis showed that facial emotion recognition can partially explain the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and antisocial behavior.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024