Title Ligoninės vaistininkų funkcijos Lietuvoje /
Translation of Title Functions of hospital pharmacists in lithuania.
Authors Gylytė, Kornelija
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Pages 71
Abstract [eng] Kornelija Gylytė Master‘s thesis is titled „Functions of Hospital Pharmacists in Lithuania“. The supervisor of the research is doc. dr. Kristina Garuolienė. Objective: To determine the roles performed by hospital pharmacists in Lithuanian hospitals. Tasks of the thesis: 1. To determine the number of pharmacists providing services, working in hospitals and to assess their distribution among the regions; 2. To determine using surveys data what roles can only be performed by pharmacists in the hospital; 3. To determine using surveys data what roles hospital pharmacists perform in Lithuanian hospitals.Methodology: For the analysis of the research, a quantitative cross- sectional study is selected. A questionnaire was prepared, which is based on the questionnaire “Investigation of the hospital pharmacy profession in Europe – Assess and advance hospital pharmacy!" prepared by EAHP (European association of hospital pharmacists). The questionnaire consists of open and closed type questions. The suitability of the questionnaire was checked by sending it to the pharmacists of Šiauliai Hospital to assess whether the questionnaire is understood correctly and to consider the observations of the specialists for its final improvement. After the final version of the questionnaire is prepared, an e-mail request is sent to hospitals that have a valid license from the hospital pharmacy. After obtaining consent to conduct the study, a questionnaire is sent to collect the answers. During the research, the results of the questionnaire are analyzed and visualized using MS Office “Excel” and “R Studio” programs. Results and conclusions: 1. A total of 45 hospital pharmacists work in the hospitals that participated in the study. However, the survey did not collect responses from all hospitals with hospital pharmacy licenses, so this number is not final. When evaluating the research data, on average, one hospital pharmacist has 122 hospital beds in the Vilnius THIF region, 142 hospital beds in the Klaipėda THIF region, 295 in Kaunas THIF region, and 114 in the Šiauliai THIF region. Since not all hospitals participated in the study, the results do not reflect the real situation of bed allocation per pharmacist; 2. The functions of the hospital pharmacists who participated in the study, which only they can perform in hospitals, were determined. These are the functions: perform the work of an analyst (extemporaneous drug testing); the function of the manager of pharmaceutical activities; supervise and check the work performed by the pharmacist's assistant; ordering and issuing medicinal products to departments; ordering medical supplies; ordering, receiving, storing and issuing narcotic and bitter medicinal preparations to hospital departments; keep records of narcotic drugs; ordering, storage and dispensing of ethanol; 3. The functions of the pharmacists of the hospitals that participated in the study were determined. Of the 24 functions presented in the questionnaire, 6 are performed by all those who participated in the study. Functions performed by the participants in the study: ensuring adequate and safe treatment for patients; quality checks of medicines (checking expiration date, storage conditions, etc.); hospital pharmacists (pharmacy manager) are responsible for compiling the list of hospital medicines; Participation in the consideration of the budget for the purchase of medicines and public procurement of medicines; checking the availability of necessary specific, branded medicinal products.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024