Title Jaunų lietuvių kilmės argentiniečių motyvacija mokytis lietuvių kalbos /
Translation of Title The motivation of young argentinians of lithuanian origin to learn the lithuanian language.
Authors Kalnaitytė, Lina
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Pages 85
Abstract [eng] This paper describes a study whose purpose is to answer the questions, what factors might encourage young Argentinians of Lithuanian origin to learn the Lithuanian language, what are the linguistic attitudes and opinion about Lithuania of young Argentinians of Lithuanian origin, what are their ethnic identity. The research analysed the responses of 33 Argentinians of Lithuanian origin living in Lithuania and Argentina to a sociolinguistic form and a motivation questionnaire, as well as 5 semi-structured qualitative interviews with young Argentinians of Lithuanian origin living in Lithuania and Argentina. Descriptive statistics and qualitative analysis (regression analysis was performed) methods were used for quantitative data analysis, semi-structured qualitative interviews were studied using thematic analysis method. The results of the data analysis allow us to say that the motivation of the research group to learn Lithuanian is quite strong. The participants of research are most strongly motivated to learn Lithuanian by their positive attitudes towards the Lithuanian language, Lithuanians and Lithuania and the weakest by the motivation of the ought-to L2 self. The regression analysis carried out in the study revealed that the motivation of the ought-to L2 self is stronger in the respondents living in Lithuania than in the participants of research, who are living in Argentina. Attitudes towards the Lithuanian language, Lithuanians and Lithuania among the older participants of research are less positive than among the younger respondents. Participants of research, who have lived in Lithuania for a longer time, have less positive attitudes than respondents, who have lived in Lithuania for a shorter time. Respondents, who declared a stronger identity of Lithuanian have a stronger motivation to learn Lithuanian. The results and conclusions of this work could be interesting and useful for other researchers, which analysing the motivation of learning Lithuanian as a foreign language.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024