Title Polifoniškumas Persijaus pirmoje satyroje /
Translation of Title Polyphony in persius' first satire.
Authors Bieliauskas, Lukas
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Pages 55
Abstract [eng] This master's thesis explores the poetics of polyphony in Persius Satire 1. It first discusses the stylistic qualities of the voice of the poem's lyrical hero, the satirist. It then provides detailed analysis of the beginning of the satire in detail, identifying the principles of polyphony, as well as the changing identity of the voice of the imaginary interlocutor to whom the satirist is speaking. The remainder of the text discusses the stylistic means through which the satirist's own voice imitates the interlocutor. A stylistic overview of the 'smooth' poetry recommended by the interlocutor is also given. Finally, the thesis analyses how irony is revealed in the interlocutor's voice, the ways in which it is created and how it fits with the satirist's position. The conclusion is arrived at that although the voices of the satirist and the interlocutor are stylistically marked in the text, the distinction is not absolute and can be modified in the course of the satire. The work also presents a Lithuanian translation of Persius Satire 1 with detailed scholarly commentary.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024