Title Nerealizuojančių savo mokymosi potencialo gabių mokinių kūrybiškumo raiška: mokytojo perspektyva /
Translation of Title The expression of creativity of gifted underachievers, based on the teachers' perspective.
Authors Jankovičė, Eglė
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Pages 55
Abstract [eng] The master's thesis analyzes the expression of creativity of gifted students who do not realize their abilities through the perspective of teachers. The purpose of the study was to understand how gifted children who do not realize their abilities express their creativity by interviewing the teachers of those children. The research participants were 7 primary school teachers, aged from 35 to 44 years. They were invited to participate in the study after the Cattell fluid intelligence test (CFT R-20), adapted in Lithuania, selected gifted children who did not realize their abilities and studied in their classes, the teachers were interviewed by a semi-structured interview method. In response to the research questions, five themes were developed using the method of reflective theme data analysis: a) Creates a relationship b) Solves problems at the academic level c) Finds gaps in the system d) Inner experience of creativity e) Moves away from norms. The conducted research made it possible to form a picture of the expression of creativity of gifted children who do not realize their abilities, to provide recommendations to teachers.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024