Title Laiko praleidžiamo prie ekranų trukmės bei žiūrimo turinio sąsajos su 5–6 metų vaikų kognityviniais gebėjimais /
Translation of Title Relationships between screen time, viewing content and the cognitive abilities of 5–6 year-old children.
Authors Skalauskienė, Greta
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Pages 83
Abstract [eng] In recent years, the use of screens in preschool age has been growing rapidly. In foreign countries, the relationship between screen time and children's cognitive abilities is analyzed quite widely, and the results provoke various discussions. The aim of this work was to investigate the links between the content type viewed by 5-6-year-old children, screen time duration and cognitive abilities (vocabulary, language fluency and executive functions). 34 children (17 boys and 17 girls) participated in the study. Children's linguistic abilities were assessed using the Vocabulary Scale from the "VBMĮ-2" methodology and the Word Naming Task. The Head and Feet, Color selection, the Shape School and the Missing Scan tasks were administered to children to assess three core executive functions (mental set shifting, working memory, and inhibitory control). Data of daily screen time and the content watched by children was collected from the diary and questionnaire filled out by parents. The obtained results revealed that neither the screen time nor the time spent by children engaged in activities of different contents were related to cognitive abilities. In this sample, only screen activities were associated with cognitive abilities. Longer viewing content on YouTube or other online platforms was associated with lower results om verbal fluency, inhibitory control and mental set shifting.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024