Title Nuteistųjų elektroninio stebėjimo patirtys vykdant probaciją ir bausmes, nesusijusias su laisvės atėmimu /
Translation of Title Offenders experiences of electronic monitoring while serving probation and non-custodial sentences.
Authors Sventickytė, Neila
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Pages 63
Abstract [eng] Offenders on probation and non-custodial sentences may be subject to electronic monitoring. In the academic literature, electronic surveillance is described in terms of various technologies designed to monitor compliance with criminal justice measures. It is an increasingly common measure in the penal system, which aims to resocialize offenders, reduce the number of incarcerated persons, the recidivism of law violations and save state funds. Although the states are guided by a common definition and pursue similar goals, this paper discusses the different implementation practices of the measure and identifies aspects of the effectiveness of the measure. Also, in this work, the phenomenon of electronic surveillance is examined from the point of view of the pains of punishment. This work aims to investigate the experiences of offenders with electronic monitoring and explain them from the point of view of the pain of punishment, as well as to reveal how offenders adapt to electronic monitoring and how it affects their social integration. Due to the strict conditions of electronic monitoring and other important aspects, electronic monitoring is often perceived as a punishment that causes pain. In Lithuania, there are no detailed studies of the experiences of electronic monitoring, so a qualitative study was conducted on this topic, which involved 15 offenders who are subject to probation and non-custodial sentences, as well as 4 intensive care specialists who directly perform electronic monitoring. The results of the study showed that the application of the measure to offenders causes frustration, humiliation due to invasion of private life, stigmatization, social isolation and discomfort. Although the offenders had to automatically adapt to the conditions of electronic monitoring, it was difficult for them to adapt, this was revealed by the experiences and difficulties experienced. Various restrictions made social integration difficult, offenders suffered a restriction of their freedom, lost their autonomy, surveillance affected their relationships, and reduced their sense of security.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024