Title Išmaniųjų elektros tinklų modeliavimas ir verifikavimas remiantis statistinio modelių patikrinimo metodais /
Translation of Title Modelling and verification of smart grid electrical systems using statistical model checking methods.
Authors Dėdinaitė, Gabrielė
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Pages 89
Abstract [eng] The aim of this master's thesis is to create a model (prototype) of a smart electric grid system, identify its main features, faults, and fault solutions, analyze the model using statistical model checking methods with the Uppaal tool, and present the analysis results. Uppaal is a statistical modeling tool for simulation, validation, and verification of real-time systems. Using the Uppaal simulation tool, the five most frequent failures were simulated and analyzed. These failures were examined using statistical model checking methods for the identified properties and various parameter values. The results of the analysis highlighted the weak points of the system, such as the reliance on a single renewable electricity source, the excess number of monitored houses, and the tolerable error dilemma.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024