Title Socialinio kapitalo vaidmuo visuomenės įtraukimo ir dalyvavimo skatinime išmaniuosiuose miestuose: Vilniaus miesto tyrimas ir analizė /
Translation of Title The role of social capital in promoting public inclusion and participation in smart cities: a study and analysis of vilnius city.
Authors Gailius, Žygimantas
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Pages 69
Abstract [eng] The objective of this thesis is to examine the role of social capital in promoting public engagement and participation in the context of smart cities, based on a case study of Vilnius. This study aims to substantiate the thesis that social capital is a crucial factor in encouraging active citizen participation in city governance and technological decision-making, while smart technologies used in the city can improve quality of life and community involvement. Three tasks are identified for this study. First, to analyze the scientific perspectives on the formation, functioning, and forms of social capital, creating an analytical model that emphasizes its impact on public engagement and participation. Second, to investigate the influence of social capital on public engagement and participation in smart city initiatives, with a particular focus on the residents of Vilnius through an online survey. Third, to evaluate the impact of social capital on the participation of Vilnius residents in city governance and decision-making processes, analyzing the local dynamics of social capital formation and its significance for city development and the implementation of technological solutions. The analysis indicates that the integration of technology and social capital are important factors that improve quality of life and promote community engagement. Social capital, including trust and a sense of belonging, encourages active citizen participation and democratic governance. Smart technologies and social trust are interconnected factors that affect quality of life and community activities. Although some hypotheses were not confirmed, the study revealed complex relationships between social capital and technology use, indicating a need for further research. The study's results are a significant contribution to the current research base on smart cities and social capital, providing valuable insights for both the academic community and practical city planning processes.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024