Title On generalized shifts of the Mellin transform of the Riemann zeta-function /
Authors Laurinčikas, Antanas ; Šiaučiūnas, Darius
DOI 10.1515/math-2024-0055
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Is Part of Open mathematics.. Warsaw : De Gruyter. 2024, vol. 22, iss. 1, art. no. 20240055, p. [1-15].. ISSN 2391-5455
Keywords [eng] approximation of analytic functions ; limit theorem ; Mellin transform ; Riemann zeta-function ; weak convergence
Abstract [eng] In this article, we consider the asymptotic behavior of the modified Mellin transform Z(s), s=σ+it, of the Riemann zeta-function using weak convergence of probability measures in the space of analytic functions defined by means of shifts Z(s+iφ(τ)), where φ(τ) is a real increasing to +∞ differentiable function with monotonically decreasing derivative satisfying a certain estimate connected to the second moment of Z(s). We prove in this case that the limit measure is concentrated at the point g0(s)≡0. This result is applied to the approximation of g0(s) by shifts Z(s+iφ(τ)).
Published Warsaw : De Gruyter
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2024
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