Title Vėlyvojo Nemuno apledėjimo keiminių terasų morfogenezė ir jų erdvinė sklaida /
Translation of Title The morphogenesis and spatial spread of the kame terraces of the Late Nemunas Glaciation.
Authors Karmazienė, Danguolė
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Pages 167
Keywords [eng] Kame ; terraces ; glaciation ; deposits ; sediments.
Abstract [eng] Kame terraces in the territory of Lithuania are found in the Late Nemunas glaciation Baltija stage relief. Investigation of the distribution, morphology, composition, origin and position of kame terraces in the Late Nemunas glaciation area is the main objective of the present study. The previous publications merely contained statements about the geomorphological position of kame terraces and descriptions of morphological features of terraces. The research was carried out by cartographic method. Kame terraces are isolated glacier marginal formations deposited between the landforms that formed in supraglacial and terminoglacial environments. The ice slope of a decaying glacier only represented one of the boundaries of sedimentation space. The structure of terraces was directly affected by the forming factors. According to the forming factors, kame terraces are classified as glaciofluvial, glaciolacustrine and mixed aquaglacial. The presented classification is based on the studies of morphology, morphometry and structure of kame terraces in the territory of Lithuania. The conducted study has a fundamental value since the established morphogenesis, structure and palaeogeographical conditions of formation of different types of kame terraces, created by the decaying Late Nemunas glacier, can be used for solution of the formation issues of similar forms in other regions. The dissertation is comprised of 167 pages, 88 illustrations and one table. The list of references has 173 entries.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014