Title Aristotelian roots of contemporary tense logic /
Authors Pabijutaitė, Živilė ; Gricius, Pranciškus
DOI 10.24193/subbphil.2024.2.04
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Is Part of Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai.. Cluj-Napoca : Babes-Bolyai University. 2024, vol. 69, no. 2, p. 65-78.. ISSN 1221-8138. eISSN 2065-9407
Keywords [eng] tense logic ; Sea-Battle paradox ; future contingents ; Arthur Prior ; Aristotle
Abstract [eng] Tense logic is a branch of contemporary logic which includes formal devices that allow us to deal with the temporal relations between propositions. The aim of our paper is threefold: 1) to reveal how Aristotelian philosophical ideas about time, truth, possibility and necessity were reinterpreted by the founder of contemporay tense logic Arthur Prior; 2) to discuss what novel solutions to the classical problem of future contingents are available using Priorean invention; 3) to describe how the tools of tense logic have transcended their original theoretical purposes.
Published Cluj-Napoca : Babes-Bolyai University
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2024
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