Title ES programos „Kultūra 2000“ įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje: veiksmingumo analizė /
Translation of Title EU programme „culture 2000“ implementation in lithuania: effectiveness analysis.
Authors Kumžaitė, Eglė
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Pages 62
Abstract [eng] The topic of the present Master thesis is „EU Programme „Culture 2000“ Implementation in Lithuania: Effectiveness Analysis“. The main object of the thesis is the effectiveness of the programme „Culture 2000“ implementation in Lithuania. Effectiveness in the present paper is understood as justification of anticipatory expectations or the level of implementation of the stated objectives. The main problem of the research is that the implementation of the programme in Lithuania was ineffective. The aim of the present thesis is to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme in Lithuania, find the main reasons for its‘ ineffectiveness and provide recommendations for raising the effectiveness of future EU culture funding programmes in Lithuania. The goals of the thesis are to determine if the programme objectives were achieved, identify the main factors of ineffective programme implementation in Lithuania and provide suggestions how to increase the effectiveness of the „Culture 2000“ continuing programmes in Lithuania. Hypothesis is defined as follows: EU programme „Culture 2000“ implementation in Lithuania was ineffective because of badly formulated objectives, inadequate means of implementation, lack of support from interest groups and government in Lithuania and poor economic conditions in the country. The paper includes five parts. EU culture politics and history is described in the first part. The second part presents the programme „Culture 2000“ and its‘ means of implementation. The third part describes the background theory – the conditions for successfull implementation of a policy by P. A. Sabatier and D. Mazmanian (goal clarity and consistency; adequacy of the means of implementation; role played by interest groups and state institutions; economic conditions in the country). Fourth part of the work analyses programme effectiveness according to the conditions described afore. Fifth part overviews the „Ecotec Research and Consulting Limited“ interim evaluation of the programme „Culture 2000“ made in 2005 and compares it to the present investigation. The hypotheses is only partly justified, as the main conclusions of the analysis are as follows: 1. The implementation of the programme „Culture 2000“ in Lithuania is partly effective, because: part of the programme goals are considered to be actions or medium, thus their level of implementation was not measured; specific programme goals reduplicate the general ones instead of concretising them; the level of citizenry involvement in the programme could not be measured; of all the measured goals one was not implemented in Lithuania – attention giving to most socially disadvantaged groups; 2. The aforementioned goal was not reached because of inappropriate means of programme implementation (high financial requirements, small programme budget, inadequate timing), lack of support from local bussinesses, Lithuanian legislative and executive authorities, poor economic conditions in Lithuania in comparison to some other EU countries. The thesis recommends taking actions both at EU and national level. If the presented recommendations were carried out the effectiveness of future EU culture support programmes would increase and the Lithuanian state support for culture system would improve. If the support and charity presentation procedures were facilitated, more representatives of private businesses willing to support both culture and other fields would appear.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014