Title Sporto ginčų sprendimas arbitraže /
Translation of Title Resolution of sport disputes in arbitration.
Authors Jonaitytė, Gintarė
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Pages 79
Abstract [eng] In this work the procedure of sport disputes resolution in Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) and other questions, connected to this subject are analyzed. In the first part of this work is examined the definition of sports law and sport disputes, which are able for procedures in CAS. Meanwhile the main, second, part of the work is devoted for all questions, connected with resolution of sport disputes in CAS. This includes: arbitrability, arbitration agreements, material and procedural law, which is applied for disputes’ resolution, arbitrators, principles, seat (place) of arbitration, its language, time limits, participants, provisional meausures, the procedure of resolution itself, challenging the awards of CAS and recognition and enforcement of CAS awards. In order to better explain the subject, there are parts of this work about history of CAS and advantages and disadvantages of arbitration. At the end of this work is shortly presented other arbitration bodies, which solve sport disputes. The is also discussed about the possibility to have arbitration body of sport disputes in Lithuania.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014