Abstract [eng] |
The work focuses on the analysis of the visual conception of the two thinkers – Rene Descartes and Maurice Merleau-Ponty – who are representing modern and fenomenological traditions. As a main methodological tool is chosen the typology of the discourses of ocularcentrism and antiocularcentrism, which are introduced by the contemporary visual theorist Martin Jay. Thus the problem of ocularcentrism is raised and analyzed as a problem of the epistemological privilegiation of the visual, which origins are found in Plato’s philosophy. The conception of the visual as an intellectual act, contemplative theoretical gaze or ideal/disembodied vision is emphasized in the philosophy of Plato, where he distinguishes the sensual world and the world of ideas, the sensual eye and the eye of mind, raising the priority for the latter and devaluating the previous one. The paper shows Descartes to radicalize those distinctions on the basis of the dualism of consciousness/body and consciousness/world, establishing reduction of the vision into the consciousness. To explicate that, it is refered to the visual Descartes’ model as identifications of camera obscura, Cartesian perspectivalism and dead eye. On the basis of the arised problem the thesis of the paper is being formulated: transformation of the Cartesian visual conception made by Merleau-Ponty is the solution of ocularcentrism as the problem of consciousness/body and consciousness/world dualism. It is stated that Merleau-Ponty resolves the distinction between consciousness/body and consciousness/world formulating themes such as vision as communication, embodied perspective and visual contextuality. It is assereted that Merleau-Ponty’s developed antidualistic visual conception justifies the conception of antiocularcentric vision. |