Abstract [eng] |
In all of the world society is getting older, for that reason it is very important to know seniors better. Everybody knows that people are loosing their physical strength as they get older, but there are many disagreements about what happens with their personalities. The object of the current study was to examine and compare personality features of senior people, depending on their living environment, age and sex. NEO-PI-R questionnaire created by Costa and McCrae (1992) was used in this study, it contains 240 statements. 132 people participated in this study: 101 – nursing home residents, 31 – younger people. More data was taken from Vilnius University Phylosophy faculty laboratory database – it was data about 67 seniors, living at home. The results showed that living environment has influence on some of the seniors’ personality features, for example, seniors who live at home are more open to experience, and nursing home residents are more vulnerable. However personalities of these two groups have more similar traits. The study showed that despite living environment angry hostility and actions decreases with age and straightforwardness increases. Younger and older people differ in these personality traits: for the seniors’ agreeableness, depression, warmth, trust, straightforwardness and modesty are more expressed; for younger people hostility, impulsiveness and feelings are more expressed. Yet conscientiuousness, for example, and all its facets do not depend on age. This study showed that there are some personality trait differences between the sexes. Despite living environment senior men and women differ in these personality traits: men have higher ratings in excitement seeking and values, women – in anxiety and straightforwardness. Thereby this study indicates that senior people differ in certain personality features, depending on living environment, age and sex. |