Title Kova su skurdu ir socialine atskirtimi Lietuvoje: patirties ir problemų analizė /
Translation of Title Struggle against poverty and social exclusion in lithuania: experience and problems analysis.
Authors Šipkauskas, Audrius
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Pages 61
Abstract [eng] Master degree student Audrius Šipkauskas of Social works speciality of Vilnius University, Faculty of Philosophy made analysis, which aim is appoint display experience and problems of struggle against beggary and social ignoring in Lithuania. Aim of task – display experience and problems of struggle against beggary and social ignoring in Lithuania Goals of task: 1. Make analysis of Theory of problems of struggle against beggary and social ignoring in Lithuania by making overlooks of Social politics of Lithuania and institutions realizing them, making overlooks of conceptions of theoretical aspects of struggle against beggary and social ignoring and by analysing statistical data. 2. Make analysis that could authorize problems of struggle against beggary and social ignoring in Lithuania. Hypothesises for analysis: 1. Evaluating social politics depends on age, finances, place of living. 2. Evaluating problems of beggary depends on age, finances, and places of living. 3. Evaluating problems of social ignoring depend on age, finances, place of living. 4. Evaluating Social services depends on age, finances, place of living. Summing-up results of analysis we can predicable that: Evaluation of social politics depends on age, finances, place of living – social politics is being evaluated better by the people of younger age, having bigger finances and living in the city; Evaluation problems of beggary depends on age, finances, places of living - problems of beggary are more relevant to people of older age, having bigger finances, living in the countryside; Evaluation problems of social ignoring depend on age, finances, place of living. Problems of social ignoring are more relevant to people of older age and having bigger finances, living in countryside in Lithuania; Evaluating of social service depends on age, finance, place of living – respondents of young age living in the city, getting bigger finances social services appreciate partly positive.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014