Title Sutrikusio intelekto vaikų emocijų ir elgesio sunkumai /
Translation of Title Emotional and behavioural difficulties of children with intellectual impairments.
Authors Leonavičienė, Daiva
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Pages 69
Abstract [eng] The theme analysed in this research is urgent and, in fact, it is useful and not very often investigated: there live about 16 thousand children of special needs in Lithuania, who learn in special schools; special training of children having confused intellect of emotions and behaviour raises much confusion and is not entirely clear; there is little literature about the emotional difficulties and difficulties of behaviour of children having confused intellect, how to help to overcome these difficulties for such children to and to get socialized in the society. The help, advices and suggestions are needed for parents having children with confused intellect and also for the teachers working with such children. The objective is raised in the research: to investigate the emotional difficulties and difficulties of behaviour of children having confused intellect, 89 children having confused intellect of Kaunas special school participated in the research. Emotional difficulties and difficulties of behaviour were estimated in “Questionnaires of power and difficulties“. ( R. Goodman, www.sdqinfo.com). Parents, teachers and educators filled in the questionnaires. The results of the research show that the investigated children have difficulties of behaviour, emotions, attention and communication. These difficulties are not short-lived because they originated earlier than a year ago (some children have them even from their birth). These difficulties, that appear, more or less oppress and cause great anxiety 98%-99% of children, who have confused intellect and difficulties of behaviour and emotions make influence on their, people surrounding them and their relatives’lives. The investigation results let us assert that less elements of social behaviour are more characteristic for little children of confused intellect than for elders, but these little children are less hyperactive than elder children of confused intellect; children of confused intellect, who stay for the night in a hostel, experience more difficulties of behaviour, they are more social than whose who stay for the night at home ; Children of confused intellect having insignificant mental ailment are more social, have less emotional difficulties and problems with peers, but the problems of behaviour and the level of hyperactivity are just the same as of childrend with confused intellect, having medium mental ailment.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014