Title Arbitruotinumo problematika ir tendencijos /
Translation of Title The problematic aspects and current trends of arbitrability.
Authors Kunickas, Simonas
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Pages 68
Abstract [eng] This master thesis is aimed at defining concepts of arbitrability and performing extensive analysis of global trends and changing contents of this legal institution, while comparing its current status in foreign states (the U.S., France, Belgium) to one in Lithuania. Author provides the definition of arbitrability within the scope of legal systems of mentioned foreign countries and also reveals existing different concepts. The grounds for division into subjective and objective arbitrability are also provided. The relation of arbitrability and public order is also discussed and covered in this work. The specifics of defining arbitrability in national courts as well as in arbitration institutions are analyzed as a substantive criteria for applying legal rules of different countries. Finally an overview of the most problematic issues under Lithuanian legal acts is provided (arbitrability of disputes related to bankruptcy, intellectual property, competition law, disputes arising from the consumer contracts and employment law disputes), while comparing how other foreign countries deals with the same questions and how they are being resolved.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014