Title Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo teismo praktika sprendžiant bylas dėl materialinės atsakomybės už žalą, padarytą darbuotojo suluošinimu ar kitokiu pakenkimu sveikatai arba dėl nukentėjusiojo mirties /
Translation of Title The practice of lithuania's supreme court in deciding cases of pecuniary liability for damage to employee caused by mutilation or other bodily injury or for employee's death.
Authors Šabanovič, Žaneta
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Pages 61
Abstract [eng] The MA thesis analyzes the practice of Lithuania’s Supreme Court in deciding cases concerning employers’ pecuniary liability for the damage caused by mutilation or other health impairment, or the death of the employee, in order to find out how provisions of pecuniary rights are interpreted and applied during examination of cases in the court, as well as discusses what problems arise in application of legal acts in the practice of courts. The thesis also considers theoretical aspects of formation of employer’s pecuniary liability. Firstly, the thesis aims at defining the position of pecuniary liability among other kinds of legal liability (criminal, administrative, civil and disciplinary) and its relation with them. Secondly, pre-requisites for formation of employers’ pecuniary liability which have to be determined by the court while examining the cases concerning employer’s pecuniary liability for the damage caused due to mutilation or other health impairment or the death of the employee, are discussed. Furthermore, on the basis of decisions made by the Supreme Court of Lithuania, the thesis presents a detailed analysis of conditions determining the formation of pecuniary liability. In addition, issues related with determination of the amount of the damage to be paid to the employee for mutilation or other health impairment or the death of employee as well as the procedure for payment of damages are discussed in the thesis. For this purpose, problems concerning practical aspects in application of provisions of the Labour Code, the old and new versions of the Civil Code, Provisional Law on Damage Compensation in Accident at Work or Occupational Disease Cases and the Law on Social Insurance of Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases, which are raised in the decisions made by the Supreme Court of Lithuania, are analyzed.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014