Abstract [eng] |
Organization of social advertisement, examination of problem of its component devices and actions in Lithuania is lack of scientific disclosure, and the development and publication of social advertisement often takes a secondary role in the Lithuanian advertising market. Thus isolation of devices and actions of Lituanian social advertisement, and the assessment of applicability of the set of social advertisement devices and actions in Lithuanian market is relevant to the task, the results of which can contribute to addressing the problems of social advertisement organization in Lithuanian. Object of MBA Graduation paper – the devices and actions of social advertisement. The main objective of this MBA Graduation paper is to establish the expression of social advertisement for youth in Lithuanian by highlighting the set of devices and actions in social advertisements. The purpose is going after by describing the evolution of advertisement and social advertisement, by establishing the place of social advertisement in social propaganda and social marketing, by formulating the theoretical model of devices and actions of social advertisement, according to the review of the past research in the area of social advertisement, by formulating the design of research of expression of social advertisement for youth in Lithuania and by giving the conclusions of the set of social advertisement devices and actions that mainstream in social advertisements for youth in Lithuania. In the theoretical aspect there are done the interpretation analysis describing the view of various authors about the concepts of social advertisements, social marketing and social propaganda, allowing to identify the limitations of the following concepts characterizations, to frame the broad-brush determinations of these concepts; abstracted the devices and actions of social advertisement, made their theoretical model. In the results part according to the theoretical model of devices and actions of social advertisement there are established results of quantitative (armchair research and questionnaire) and qualitative (formalized conversation with experts) researches. There are identified set of devices and actions of social advertisement, which are significant for creation and organization of social advertisements, such as outdoor advertisement and preventive campaigns, advertisements on television and preventive campaigns and online advertising and web sites development, which, according to studies, are rated as the most appropriate for young and the most noticeable to develope advertising campaigns for youth. The main material is written in 71 pages, including 20 tables, 18 imageries. |