Title Atleidimas iš darbo, kai darbuotojas vieną kartą šiurkščiai pažeidžia darbo pareigas /
Translation of Title Dismissal from work upon an employee’s single gross breach of work duties.
Authors Koltan, Evelina
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Pages 69
Abstract [eng] The ground of dismissal from work upon an employees single gross breach of work duties is strictly regulated by Article 235.2.3 Labour Code of the Respublic of Lithuania and is relevant in both theoretical aspects and practical application purposes. There are a lot of disputes regarding the termination of an employment contract on the initiative of an employer. Wherefore grounds and imposition of disciplinary dismissal from work mentioned in the Labour Code are analyzed in the paper. In this work the concept of the gross breach of work duties and all of the grounds mentioned in Article 235.2 of Labour Code are being analyzed, regarding the systematic Labour Code explanations and the directions given by the supreme court of Lithuania. Moreover, the aspects of the imposition of the disciplinary sanctions and peculiarity of legal disputes upon an employee`s unfair dismissal from work are surveyed. As a result, the author represents some offers in order to improve the regulation of such an important ground of the expiration of an employment contract.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014