Title Drausminės atsakomybės rūšys, pagrindai ir sąlygos /
Translation of Title Categories, grounds and conditions of disciplinary liability and imposing it.
Authors Veličkienė, Ieva
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Pages 58
Abstract [eng] The purpose of disciplinary responsibility as the type of legal responsibility is to ensure labour discipline. It is applied in the labour law for the breach of labour discipline. The Master’s work gives an analysis of the types of disciplinary responsibility, the general characteristic of the legal acts, identifying both the general and special legal responsibility, is discussed in brief. Special attention in the Master’s work is devoted to analysis of the basis of disciplinary responsibility, conditions of disciplinary responsibility, since in order to state a breach of labour discipline, which is the basis for legal responsibility, it is necessary to identify the composition of all elements of the breach, i.e. the object, subject, objective side and subjective side. The objective and subjective sides of the breach of labour discipline are also called the conditions of disciplinary responsibility of the employees.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014