Title Televizijos serialų poveikis lyčių savivokai /
Translation of Title Television serials impact on gender self-perception.
Authors Jokužytė, Giedrė
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Pages 81
Abstract [eng] Gender roles are the most important roles in life of every human. They are learned in the socialization process under the influence of various factors which determine perception of what is masculine and what is feminine. In this way each individual forms his own self-perception, which is changing according boundaries of the knowledge. Self-percection can be alternated by a number of factors, including the television. Objective of this thesis- to analyze the impact of gender roles portrayed in television serials on gender perception of the audience. In order to achieve the stated objective, the following main tasks were set: to define the concept of human self-perception, to analyse the factors which influence gender roles, investigate television serials and their impact on the intended audience, explore gender role models portrayed in television serials and analyse their impact on gender perception of the audience. The literature used can be divided in the following categories: literature analyzing the process of socialization and formation of identity of the individual; research publications and literature analysing the occurrence and further spread of television serials and the reasons for their popularity. The analysis of literature, investigation of the television series and content analysis of the survey led to these conclusions. First: self-perception is self understanding of the humans and knowledge about themselves. Self-perception may alternate depending on the new knowledge which an individual will gain and whether the new information he identifies as inherent to himself. Second: individuals see men and women less stereotypical in the television serials than in the socialization process influenced by various factors. Heroes of the television serials are not portrayed in such a way that reflects the traditionally assigned gender roles and characteristics. It is noted that most of their properties and features are portrayed as traditional gender-specific roles, traits and characteristics, but sometimes heroes have opposite sex specific traits and characteristics. Third: television serials do have impact on part of the audience gender perception. Some members of the audience identify themselves with the heroes and intercept seen behaviors, problem-solving methods and characteristics. However it does not have particularly important impact on the complete audience. It's more an auxiliary factor influencing just a part of the audience. Fourth: television serials is the same important facor influencing gender role perception for both genders.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014